I am shortly getting this assembled:

Thanks to JLCPCB Assembly.
Designed with Kicad
A big thanks to all EEVBlog forum users and EEVBlog forum user "essele" who created this Kicad plugin for jlcpcb assembly which I have now forked to work with panelised boards
Also thanks to Flemming Frandsen for kicad-util which generated the pcb panelisation. I have forked this to work with Kicad-nightly.
Thanks to JLCPCB Assembly.
Designed with Kicad
A big thanks to all EEVBlog forum users and EEVBlog forum user "essele" who created this Kicad plugin for jlcpcb assembly which I have now forked to work with panelised boards
Also thanks to Flemming Frandsen for kicad-util which generated the pcb panelisation. I have forked this to work with Kicad-nightly.